Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Entrepreneurs are no accident - They are "Unique" thinkers

Any professional in business knows that it takes excellent skill, the right attitude and a vision to achieve at the highest level.
The term Entrepreneur has been used more and more in the last couple of years as a “call to arms” in a difficult economic climate, to come forward and make a difference.
In the past an Entrepreneur would have been considered to be an “Arthur Daley” or a “Del Boy” type.
They knew how to make money short term but they never had a plan to follow and their success would be personal rather than “shared”.
They were spontaneous and opportunists – but so is a Burglar!
The modern Entrepreneur stands out and has a discipline that produces a winning formula short, medium and long term.
There is no barrier to age as both young and older individuals have fitted the bill.
What they have in common is “unique” thinking and the ability to implement their thoughts.
So, to be an Entrepreneur you need to be a strategic thinker.
It’s the ability to see what others miss, like having a wider field of vision.
They weigh investment versus risk and see a point of return.
They can explain their concepts and draw people to see the advantages.
They form good partnerships that have trust at the heart of a process.
They take something ordinary and achieve the extra ordinary.
They are driven to see a positive conclusion.
They never start what cannot be completed and their faith becomes part of their strength.
They are “followed” rather than followers and raise the bar high enough to make it hard for others to catch up.
They are influential and effective and the more we have of them, the sooner local economies will benefit.
They are to be celebrated and congratulated.

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