The patient is in Intensive Care.
The symptoms were not diagnosed quickly enough and the onset of a life-threatening outcome came swiftly.
Medical staff says that without early intervention the prognosis is poor.
If this bulletin was about someone you knew it would be discouraging and sad – but it likely is someone you know.
Long established Companies in our Community find themselves in this situation.
One of the symptoms that need to be detected early is “Innovation Deficit”.
Without an Innovative approach to business you cut off the Oxygen of success.
Most people will say they are Innovators but the cold truth is that this is often untrue.
An Innovator will have evidence that supports their argument.
They will have facts and figures that show they improved what was heading for a clear problem.
They see an Issue and immediately determine a course of action that protects health.
When laying a business plan they build in the effect of both positives and negatives.
Knowing the risks and having a plan B has rescued many a business.
No-one can predict everything but taking a positive approach to a negative situation helps you sail into calmer waters.
You need to know what you are aiming for.
There is no point in taking “medication” too late. It’s needed at the onset of symptoms.
The speed of dealing with potential emergencies increases or reduces chances of survival.
More than ever a business needs to know where to invest to survive.
I have always said that part of this is developing Staff. They can be like white blood cells in the body, rushing to a wound to produce prompt healing.
An Innovator produces new ideas or methods that work like Vitamins to make up for deficiencies.
Many patients die when it was avoidable.
Now, more than ever, we need to keep a close review of where our business is and act when it’s needed to make sure we are still on course.
Lack of Innovation leads to deaths – so now is a good time for a health check.