Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Be “Consoling” to those who are depressed

Whenever I read of deaths by suicide I feel a sense of sadness and defeat, as I did reading such an account of a young woman in her mid 20s this week.
What’s worrying is that the statistics show rapidly increasing numbers of people who take their own lives.
But of course these are NOT statistics.....they are real people, leaving heartbreak behind.
Peter Hitchens writing in the Mail on Sunday submits the view that you will often find this outcome when people have been taking anti depressants for some time. Why? Because they can increase the sense of depression and feelings of fear and exaggerate symptoms.
Evidence suggests that in some cases this might be a key factor.
The debate about whether too many are prescribed by Doctors has raged for years but for me, lives could be saved if we were better listeners, more observant and more supportive.
What is worrying is that so many young people are resorting to suicide and we can say some of the reasons are lack of self worth, being bullied and having no confidence in their value.
If we are honest we all have the “armchair” expertise that is swift to give very general reasons for suicides.
One that is common is to reinforce the idea that “thinking became irrational”.
It may be true to say the mind was “imbalanced” but the detail and planning that some make before suicide shows they can be very rational but deeply in pain.
What they are not doing when saying “no-one loves me” is drawing on the times when they did feel loved and reproducing it.
As one person put it “you develop a fear of living, not dying”.
We are told that a good sign to alert us will be a change in behaviour but they are not always acute.
Some can look and sound upbeat in company but withdraw later into a deep sense of isolation.
Do you sense more people are depressed these days? I do.
The problem it creates is that it seems so common, much like a cold, that we ignore it. We just call it “the blues” and box it.
Depression enters an entirely more dangerous place if it lingers more than a few days so be aware.
It can disable the mind to the point that the brain seems no longer to give instructions like “let’s get a shower”, “some fresh air might help” and “It would make sense to eat something”.
The things that used to excite you completely lose their joy.
You lose your sense of relevance, see your life ahead as fearful challenges and decide that more of the same is not desirable.
Isolating ourselves is never healthy either.
We are “hard wired” to need the company of others.
To a depressed person a reassuring word, a phone call or visit to see if they are feeling better reminds them that someone cares.
I have always taken the view that if you are down, I lift you and when I am down, you lift me.
Some people are influenced badly by a constant flow of negative news or “professional” moaners.
We need to be positive around others, as much for our own frame of mind as theirs.
Please, NEVER tell someone to “pull their socks up” or glibly say “you will get over it”.
To that person they have a very real pressure and it should be respected.
I once talked a Man down from a skyscraper roof.
I was so terrified of heights I had to sit down on the roof whilst talking to him.
Not once was he irrational.
He was clear thinking but had reached the wrong conclusion.
We talked very casually and my heart went out to him.
He genuinely thought his failures were hurting those he loved and not being there was like a breaking of their curse.
The moment I asked him what he wanted me to tell his “obviously” lovely wife and children, he broke down into sobbing I have never forgotten.
I told him he needed to tell them himself and spare a lifetime of heartache for them, since they would assume they had failed HIM.
The story had a happy ending many years ago and the challenges of life have broken many others since.
Pressures of life on people have risen to unprecedented and unbearable levels regardless of age.
For most we will not be there to help so what might we be reminded of?
Keep a close eye on those special people in your life.
Give some time and attention that proves to them that they are not undervalued or forgotten.
Include them in your life.
An elderly person recently responded to “Isn’t creation wonderful?” with “you don’t think about creation at my time of life, its cremation I’m thinking of!”
Next time you ask someone how they are and they say “fine thanks” without hesitation, surprise them with interest by asking “give me how fine on a scale of 10 with 10 being brilliant”
You will be amazed what it reveals but be ready to listen.
Even if its 9, you get to say how happy you are for them.
If its four, lift them to six.
Sharing shows real care and caring is reassuring.
Give up fifteen minutes of your day and take the lead.
You will be thrilled how satisfying it feels.
“Give something back” by being consoling.
It’s even better than giving someone a blanket to keep warm.

Academic or “Action Man” – Different but valuable

I am the first to encourage learning but it’s not with the view of becoming an Academic.
Learning is of little value unless there is a resulting benefit, skill or application.
My experience, too often, is that a “professional” Academic is absorbed in learning alone and often too far removed from real experience of life.
In a crisis they will debate but seldom does it reveal an “Action Man”
The reverse can be that someone whose circumstances limited their ability to make their education “rounded” can develop huge life experience and prove to be the hero of the hour.
It’s not surprising that some of the best Entrepreneurs lost something in education but rolled their sleeves up and achieved great things, developing leadership qualities.
Family hardships sometimes limit people but talent generally finds success.
Academics and “Action Man” both have value but in a world facing so many challenges I expect we will come to value “Action Man” more than we do.
Battles may Interest Academics on a strategic level but “Action Man” is the one on the frontline who gets the job done.
Having the right people for the right tasks is vital if you expect best outcomes.
What we need is a quality of “taking the lead” for the greater good.

Monday, 25 February 2013

Social Networking is hindering Social Skills

Am I sounding old fashioned to say that whatever the advantages of social networking, I am getting seriously worried by the outcomes it is producing.
I should also say that I am talking about all ages and not just young ones, though the signs are certainly worrying with them.
Nothing is sacred anymore and Facebook will let you into someone’s life on levels unprecedented in the past.
Is it that because they are using a keyboard to record even the darkest of secrets or opinions that it is forgotten that people can access it.
Would you say the same things so openly “one to one”?
Is it wise?
People are now being dismissed from work for misuse of this medium, which on some levels suggests some people have lost all sense of reason. It confirms an obsession.
Next time you are in a Library where people are on computers take a glance on how many are on Facebook!
Even Twitter, once so moderate and good humoured, has turned into a vile exchange that’s hard to comprehend.
It’s brought an International Society together and as usual it has attracted the best and worst of humanity but who’s winning?
I try to imagine anyone inviting some of these vilest of users into their homes.....and yet, that’s exactly what is happening.
Shut them out.
Perhaps people like dealing with others at arm’s length for comfort but getting relaxed, results in saying things you would not dream of normally.
Its changed peoples personalities and responses. Non verbal communication makes some timid in nature. For others they have redefined free speech as having no boundaries of any sort.
Perhaps some who struggle with real relationships substitute networks to feel popular.
This is deluded. Nothing beats a real friend you can go to a football match or to the cinema with.
In a world where most people suggest they have a right to privacy you have to wonder what they leave private on Facebook.
Be warned. This obsession makes you vulnerable and robs you of a real life experience that does not require a keyboard.
Get out and enjoy it before you forget how to speak and behave.
Whatever benefits have been gained, decency has been the cost.

Never promise what you can never deliver

It’s always interesting to hear people making predictions.
When the predictions go drastically wrong they will then tell you of all the unforeseen events that led to the lack of achievement.
In the days of my youth I thrived on increasing my value to my Company.
Generally, into the tenth month of the existing sales year our Sales Director would ask us to do an itemised prediction of how and where we would Increase the following year.
Done by product it was a very useful tool.
Whatever figure you arrived at he would add another 20% even though you had already predicted decent increases.
Here was a question for me that I put to him.
“My reasoning is clear with figures to support it but can you just show me what I missed in my calculation?”
In short he just liked the figure and it would stand.
The next year I completed my next prediction.
My shrewd Managing Director said “I am surprised by your figures Derek because you are better than that”
“I know” I said “but you know to add in another 20% so it will be fine”
My view is always that whatever I promise I always deliver more.
The difference is that my prediction is “doable” based on facts and hard graft.
People who make predictions they can never achieve will fail and only embarrass themselves and those who have to give the figures to the Board.
What was Ironic was that my Managing Director got the figure from his Sales Director but always reduced it by 20%!
He used the same principle I do and you cannot build a business on false hopes.
Everyone knows more is needs and it’s a matter of pride.
The day you promise something you know you cannot deliver the clock of failure is ticking.
The best motivator for sales people is to be ahead of target at the end of quarter 1.
As a sales and marketer I know the value of making good assessments.
Being remembered as an achiever is far better than being “almost there” because almost there is remembered as “Nowhere”

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Time to trust the “good” news in the NHS

There is a constant flow of bad news stories for the NHS in recent months and it is certainly increasing people’s fears of going into Hospital.
The “perception” is naturally negative because we seldom read positive stories. Newspapers sell best with horror headlines.
It reminds me of the reputation of the Chemical Industry, based on occasional headlines that are remembered and little credit is given.
Looking at the current standing of some NHS Foundation Trusts around the UK, which are graded much like schools for performance and financial stability, it is true that some look beyond help as a result of poor management.
A “big beast” like the NHS is bound to have plenty of Issues that are newsworthy and no-one faces more pressures than our Hospitals.
What saddens me is the suggestion that Nurses are selected for academic standards but they lack warmth and empathy.
To suggest that a bright nurse who chose this vocation, when they might have earned more elsewhere, would lack care or kindness smacks of an Insult.
Such generalisations are unkind, unfair and largely untrue.
Have I ever encountered a poor nurse?
Of course I have but I have met hundreds of brilliant, devoted and hard working ones too.
No hospital is without challenges or occasional errors.
I make this point because I don’t want to mislead anyone into thinking I am suggesting perfection when I cite Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust as outstanding.
I know they are but the gradings they achieve prove they are.
Whilst other Hospitals might be charged with putting finance and targets before patient care....the first and last priority that matters in Barnsley is best quality care and outcome.
It may be true that in years past, less confidence might have been expressed but if Hospital care is needed you are getting as good as you would expect anywhere in the Country when you arrive at Barnsley.
The Board of Directors are gifted but the medical staff are the real heroes.
If the NHS wants a good working model of care and competence they would do well to look at the Barnsley approach.
If caring is what matters you are in good hands in Barnsley.
At a time of anxiety you will be reassured and be diagnosed with speed.
Whatever the restraints or pressures, your care is uppermost in everyone’s minds and the culture is to get great satisfaction from getting you well again.
Credit where it is due....but don’t expect a headline giving credit anytime soon!
We are still the best in the World.

Deputy Commissioner is the real “Balance” In South Yorkshire

One of the big discussions in South Yorkshire is whether anyone welcomed the election of a Police Commissioner and thereafter, a deputy.
Judging from the low vote and continued lack of interest, early opinion is that it is a waste of time and money.
So far, very little has been said or done to reassure people of its value.
Statements of priorities have been “sound bites” and little interest exists for “surgeries” for locals to attend.
I guess, as yet, people feel they are hearing and seeing nothing new.
I don’t know Shaun Wright, though I wish him well since he carries the Interests of us all.
I do know he can thank at least two Barnsley MPs for influencing any that did turn up to vote.
I do know Tracey Cheetham though, who was appointed Deputy Commissioner.
Both she and her husband Tim serve Barnsley as outstanding Councillors.
Tracey is hard working, down to earth and serious about making a difference.
Through her personal challenges she has shown great courage and has always been accessible.
Her work for Dan Jarvis MP is well known and she is a very hard act to follow.
She is hugely organised and will provide a friendly face for those wanting to express their views and concerns.
She handles family responsibilities as a Wife and Mum with great love and care and is hugely respected for the energy she finds for life.
Those who know Tracey realise that she understands the value of time and people.
Putting politics aside, her balance may yet help to win over public opinion.
All of us in Barnsley are proud of her example and wish her well in all she does.
Commissioners Priorities

·        Protect vulnerable people
·        Reduce anti- social behaviour
·        Improve visible Policing
·        Prevent re – offending
·        Ensure victims and witnesses receive a better deal

Friday, 22 February 2013

Recruitment Agencies...working for who?

I think it’s fair to say I am amongst those who think of commercial enterprise as an excellent goal, particularly where the benefits are shared.
It strikes me though that, much as ever, you end up with the two groups of those looking to do something long term, Influential and lasting and those who see a chance for a quick kill and move on to the next opportunity quickly.
I don’t know how many Recruitment Agencies we have in the UK but one thing I know for sure is that too many of them are rubbish.
The reputable and successful ones will despair at the ones “purporting” to represent your needs but giving the Industry a bad reputation.
The best are those who put both employer and candidate needs on an equal footing to produce a high quality match.
The millions of CVs held and on job boards make it relatively easy to find some good quality candidates without too much hard work.
When you get the call you will hear how you are a top priority and assured of personal attention.
In truth, unless you are a warm or hot candidate to the client you won’t be Important until you appear to be a match to the next vacancy.
Too often, it’s a numbers game where you represent a possible return and its much like a meat market!
Some kid you into thinking they represent a client when they don’t.
Some want to have a face to face...In order to sell you services for money that will never benefit you.
A candidate of quality is exactly that and needs to be treated as a long term Investment.
We can all think of big names who are excellent but being big can also lead to Impersonal contact.
Some small, relatively unknown companies can be excellent.
In short it’s a lottery and you need to use judgement, ask around, find a genuine specialist in your field and work together.
Some, too many Recruitment Companies don’t understand the term Partnership. They are just revenue sensitive and it can be very lucrative for them.
You trust them to sell your benefits and qualities to produce a meeting for a REAL job. Yet you get no Idea of the quality of them selling you.
To protect their Interests they will often limit what is exchanged with the Employer.
One Recruiter could be an asset but another a liability.
Only the strong ones will suggest you should be Included when the Employer has chosen three others. Conviction carries better outcomes.                   
Half the time your CV will never get seen by a human with mechanical scoring dictating who moves one step on.
Unless the quality is good an Agent is just another layer.
It takes months to make progress and too often, the right person went somewhere else!
When an Agent fails, everyone loses.
Employers using Agents have a responsibility to expect a reasonable timescale since there is no shortage of competent people to fill a role.
We are letting technology take over what only a human has...Instinct.
In all things of life there are winners and losers but don’t lose because someone else was not up to the task.
Pick carefully.
If you are a Recruitment Agency reading this who deals in Sales and Marketing, have a look at my LinkedIn Profile:
Contact me with a good challenge, an ambitious Company with a desire to move their business forward and lets set up a discussion.
Better still, if you are an Employer, contact me direct.

Grateful to the Trade Press for favouring my Industry articles

I have been privileged to write many articles for Industry Press and a number of them have found favour in the last six months.
I try to motivate thinking and avoid bias.
I set out choices to make the reader bring to the front of their mind how they stand on Issues.
An “absolute” opinion is not really the aim because we all need to be flexible for when new Information turns up that may require us to adjust our thinking.
It strikes me that when two people agree on everything, something will be lost.
Things always look better in print and even I have allowed myself occasionally to accept some things were well written and argued.
I don’t suggest for a moment my style of writing is anything out of the ordinary but having received feedback I find it pleasing that on some level it has produced a positive view.
Comments I have particularly liked are:
“Your clarity of thinking is carried in the article”
“You mix seriousness with humour to allow even the most biased reader to enjoy the points without ever feeling affronted”
“Your articles grab attention because they are relevant, well argued and highly regarded”
“Derek Carpenters article on EU Regulation is a fascinating read”
I guess on another level there must be some who see the headline and then the authors name who inwardly say “Oh no”.
Do you really think they turn past the pages though?
Not on your life.
I accept that as a compliment and my satisfaction comes from knowing that I could argue all my points with conviction and reliable facts to the most biased reader.
There’s no better feeling than knowing the ground you stand on is real!
It often leads to silence on the part of those who profess a better understanding.

Dealing with the “hand you are dealt”

Ever been dealt a good “hand of cards” and gone on to turn opportunity into success.
Sometimes things come together so well that the only outcome you can predict is a positive one.
Of course it’s when you get a “poor hand” that you will really find out what you are made of.
Rather than feeling defeated you need to think and act carefully to “play your hand” to its best effect.
Look as if you lack confidence and you will radiate a losers approach.
Look determined and you will achieve more than your hand would predict.
It may not be a perfect outcome but learning to make the best from less will lead you to huge success.
You will learn that more is possible and when you believe it you can make it happen.
Problem solvers are highly valued.
They don’t radiate fear but simply create a strategic approach that takes them further than others.
Your anxiety threshold will become high allowing you to stay calm in crisis and it will produce leadership qualities.
Love the challenges others hate.
You will develop a strong mentality by testing your resolve fully.
Life will never be boring and your accomplishments will Increase.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

A Tribute to "Silver Fox"

Just thinking those words, “Silver Fox”, raises a smile on the outside for me but more significantly, from deep within.
It’s been a lot of years since we both found ourselves in the same room with our peers and from that beginning came a remarkable friendship.
I remember being told that it was unlikely we would get on before we had even met and with each of us pressing our points in the meeting, not always in agreement, I guessed it might be true.
What actually began that day was a long friendship based on respect which has never diminished and a sense that I had been truly blessed by a sense of privilege that I had in fact met a “one off”.
That sense has proven true time and time again and today my colleague and friend has taken a decision to retire at the end of March.
The loss to the process industry is enormous because my friend Bernie will never come again.
The gain will be time with his family and nowhere is happier for him.
His beautiful family, beautiful on the Inside as well as the outside, are his greatest love.
We journeyed thousands upon thousands of miles together, down motorways and in and out of Countries by air and ALWAYS, Bernie was a real family man.
His lovely wife, Daughters and Son remained at the centre of his thoughts and then Grandchildren brought added joy.
I have never met a better “all rounder” in any walk of life.
Did we always agree?
Not on your life....but together the combinations meant we always won.
What one of us lacked the other provided and we were spoiled by the success and fun that others called work.
Professional, Intelligent, Loyal and good humoured, this was a man who proved constantly to be “best of his generation”
It didn’t matter anyway because he went on to build his own successful business.
Short of being a Brother I cannot Imagine feeling closer.
I have become more cynical over the years, testing qualities before accepting they are real but Bernie is the real deal.
Not perfect perhaps but never lacking, never Insincere and a promise made is as good as a promise delivered.
His Son will take the reins of the family business now and he has had the best possible teacher.
More than anyone, I wish this dear friend huge happiness in retirement and thank him for the unique moments we have shared as we put our enemies to the sword as we conquered Europe!
More than anything, I thank him for proving there are such things as “a friend proving closer than a Brother”
Me falling down a hole in Portugal without spilling a drop is Imprinted on my mind but taking over a Bar aptly named “Bernie’s Inn” was genius!

A Season to be Welsh – A Football Review

Short of an Impending disaster Sir Alex Ferguson looks set to prove that “ageism” is rightly not acceptable. Who has achieved more and he may yet go on to beat Sir Bobby Robsons record of oldest Manager at 71 years and 6 months. He will need another season to do it and Sir Bobby would be the first to urge him on as he did eight years ago when United looked to be struggling and Fergie might have called it a day.
The Premiership title looks like remaining in Manchester but at Old Trafford this year. Many would say that this has become the Titles natural home. What United Fan will not celebrate bringing it the short distance Home?
United have to give it away now but they don’t often repeat a mistake.
Manchester City FC appears to have culture problems this season and they have been poor given their resources.
Roberto Mancini has looked despondent and frustrated and this soon becomes the “climate” to drain everyone.
Don’t be surprised to see a change of Manager next season.
The team to admire this year has to be Swansea FC.
Positive, entertaining football and survival has made them a refreshing newcomer.
Gareth Bale adds to the Welsh revival by being outstanding for his club and Country.
He works hard and the results are a reward. Of course he is now a “Wanted” Man.
Will Spurs get fourth?
The Man to stand in the way is the most consistent Manager, David Moyes, rumoured for every new role that arises these days.
His good relationship with Bill Kenwright is proof that good culture brings dividends.
Only a lack of funds has stood in the way of huge success and David is destined for greater success.
It’s a shame it may not be at Everton FC because they sit perfectly together. You can be sure he will sift his options carefully before choosing but his loyalty and honesty to Everton will not be tarnished.
Mutual respect will be at the heart of any outcome.
Harry “Houdini” may have met his match at QPR. Even he could not have anticipated the “rot” that had set in but if he saves them Harry will be the proven “Master” of turnaround.
Personally, I think they are more geared to Championship football and they will go down.
I also think they will struggle in the Championship.

The great news from the Championship must surely be that Cardiff City FC is going up to join the Swans.
How many times in recent seasons have they looked to be going up, only to falter.
They have earned it with hard work, patience and great football.
They stayed true to good management principles and will be a great addition to the Premiership.
I like Cardiff for another reason.
In 2008 I took my two Grandsons for a “Boys” week end at Wembley to support Barnsley FC in the semi final of the FA Cup.
Our hotel was full of families including our opponents Cardiff City FC.
They won 1.0 and we missed the easiest chance of the match with just the Goalkeeper to beat.
Maybe playing Duffy in the ground for musical entertainment made Cardiff relax more!
Leaving the Stadium some of the older Cardiff fans came up to the boys and told them not to be down hearted because one day Barnsley’s turn would come.
Being in the last eight this year can be viewed as good financial success at least.
The family atmosphere created by both sets of fans was outstanding.
My heart wants Ian Holloway at Crystal Palace FC to get promotion because he deserves it but it cannot be taken for granted as they have “stalled” a little at the run in.
He was right to get away from Blackpool FC who have good players but a poor playing pitch and background Issues.
I hope Ipswich Town FC is thanking Mick McCarthy for pulling them out of disaster, though the fights not over yet.
Mick belongs in the Premiership, given we cannot coax him back to Barnsley!
Wolves will be regretting losing him.
Ironically, Barnsley hope Wolves continue to falter as it will help their own survival.
David “Flicker” Flitcroft has made a great start to Management but the fear is that Barnsley needed to begin their best form two or three games earlier but Keith Hill had been losing his grip for a while.
Let’s hope he does better back at Rochdale FC.
I still think Barnsley needs a proven Manager to avoid season after season looking like doom and gloom. The outcome this season is uncertain but the Championship, the hardest league to get out of, would miss them.
By any measurement “Flicker” has worked wonders but it won’t go to his head. The real test will come when the bubble bursts but the evidence suggests he will become a good manager.
He is a good motivator and engages well with fans.
The football is currently good but it depends on continuing to get points and hoping others drop them.
I hope the FA Cup run now taking them to Manchester City does not distract them, though the financial benefits are helpful.
Like it or not, Neil Warnock will eventually take Leeds United FC back to the Premiership. The only question mark revolves around the strange ownership currently which might one day cause some turmoil and the uncertain relationship with the fans.
Keep an eye on Huddersfield Town FC, especially now Mark Robins is there. They are a great family club and Robins is a talented Manager.
They lost their way after showing promising signs and need to be careful not to get sucked into relegation.
Good progress in the FA Cup has now ended so Mark will now motivate the whole club to push on.
The adage is that league tables do not lie and outcomes rely on Improving your team and having enough skill and stamina at the end.
There are some big names in the Championship.
Bolton Wanderers FC, Blackburn Rovers FC, Nottingham Forest FC, Sheffield Wednesday FC, Derby County FC, Middlesbro FC, Leicester City FC, just to name a few.
No wonder this league is unpredictable and wide open.
We often give thanks to the Scots and Irish for adding to our football success but this year, let’s celebrate the Welsh based contribution.
All they need to do now is sort out their Rugby!

The big question for next season: Where will “special one” Jose go? If it’s Manchester City FC he can forget ever succeeding Fergie!
Keep an eye on David Moyes....the deal breaker.
On a sad note let’s hope that Paul Gascoigne finds a reason to pull back from Impending disaster.
As Jimmy Greaves rightly wrote recently in a poignant appeal, Gazza is driven by loneliness that adds Instability.
It must also suggest how important it is to surround yourself with real friends.
Predictions are poor but we can hope. A cure is not possible so Paul will have to dig deep within himself to find the motivation to hate what alcohol is doing to him. Without a reason to fight back the battle will be lost.
Alcohol dependency ruins lives....not just your own but also those who care but are helpless onlookers.
The culture you exist in or create will always be a strong Influence for good or bad.
That’s true whatever you do in life.
Jimmy Greaves got a rude awakening when he found himself wakening up in a mental institution.
He rebuilt his family life and has not had a drink in 34 years.
Greavsie was the best in his class and I have no doubt he has been grateful for this time.
One thing is certain – his family certainly are.
They got the answer to a Prayer.
Gazza will need Prayers on a Global scale.
Come on Paul....let’s keep heading towards Goal.

You can spot good sales people....but how?

You can always pick a good sales person out of a crowd.
They have an extra “ear”, “eye” and carry a “stopwatch”
They realise the value of time and see and hear more than others.
They observe and listen and always have in view reaching agreement for the order in short cycles.
The first ten years of a sales life reveals those who are most likely to achieve.
Four jobs in that time suggests they are not settling to a career but one, or being on the second is hopeful.
One will sell on price and end up with no profits in time, moving on by telling their new employer they can bring lots of customers with them.
They then begin the same cycle until it’s not possible to lower the price!
The stable ones have an eye on profit and sell value and benefits in an accomplished way.
When under pressure to reduce a price they see the dangers.
Do it once and it will happen again.
Shrewdly they kill two birds with one stone.
They only agree an adjustment for a timed contract or for a promised volume.
They protect profit and eliminate the competition in one stroke.
They are professional and customers like that kind of intelligence.
They also “ask” their customer if they can point them to others who might benefit from a visit.
Of course we want an “all rounder” too.
Someone who loves the chase but also looks after customers to high standards to keep them is best.
I have known some get bored once getting the order and then wonder why they were losing others out of the back door.
Companies don’t give enough time to training and assessing these days.
I know of sales managers who have not been out to a customer with their team in three years.
I don’t care that the figures stack up – people deserve more and lack of development will produce negative outcomes.
Why will good people stay with Companies who don’t push them on.
Good people are in short supply and when you don’t pay attention, someone else will.
When you have one who is good they can help you produce two others.
Good or bad habits are developed according to your environment and shared experience.
Every team benefits from a Captain, so be one or create one.
Good guidance brings great results and a sense of achievement.
Show me a team and I can picture the Manager, just as a child gives you an Insight to the parents.
Make your sales teams strong and skilful and unlike many, you will not be sitting around worrying about the economy.

Yes, I know I am “Nagging”

The uproar in recent weeks that has resulted from products labelled as mincemeat actually being horsemeat produces understandable concerns.
Of course, in the best of British tradition everyone has enjoyed trying to produce the best jokes.
My favourite is the one where a Man tells his friends “When I was told I was buying award winning Burgers I didn’t know they meant the Cheltenham Gold Cup!”
Cartoon artists have had a great time amusing us.
I’d like to say I have never tasted horsemeat but who’s to say now?
If you are a well known maker of “nag-bol” or Lasagne or a supermarket caught out in the supply chain, recent events will have been disastrous.
The big question will be whether the damage is short, medium or long term but it will have lowered consumer confidence.
As usual our “guardian” authorities have dithered and just made things worse.
In a crisis you soon find out who has any skill or otherwise.
A Brand takes a long time to develop and is easily destroyed.
Morrison’s were clever I thought.
Given the offending sources of supply seemed to originate in France and Ireland they quickly took out full page advertising reassuring us they only sourced “British Beef”
Do you remember the days of the “Buy British” campaign?
It reminded us of the benefits of quality and traceability.
It was a test of whether we were willing to pay a little more for better guarantees.
I will leave you to decide if that battle was won or lost but at the very least we are back to the question.
People who go on holiday without Insurance because its a few extra pounds will often live to regret it.
Even travelling with Budget Airlines has risks.
A penny to get there only to be stranded is not much fun if it happens.
When you are on holiday abroad have you found yourself saying “That would not be accepted back home on health and safety grounds!”
We want the best and have the best....but will we pay for it.
When you tender your services it’s likely the cheapest, not the best, will get it.
Perception of cost can throw us too.
I have often had to explain that one product costing £1000.00 per month is no different to spending £3000.00 for a product that lasts for three months.
When we limit our thinking our planning is poor and sooner or later we will reap the consequence.
We have become “short term” thinkers like many Governments and so nothing is lasting anymore.
British products make “Mincemeat” out of other Countries for quality...but we still let them “take us for a ride”
It’s time to say “Nay