Saturday, 10 November 2012

“If I ruled the World” – a song from Brussels for UK Industry

I read with Interest recently that a very desirable perfume, together with others, faced an unexpected challenge.
Apparently “those who know best” in Brussels had decided that a small level of Ingredient in the product should lead to new labelling giving the warning that the perfume may be Allergenic.
I can only Imagine the rush of blood pressure in the perfume Industry!
I should say that based on a Yorkshire question of “How much!?” I have never bought the product.
What I do know is millions have bought the product over decades with no report of allergies.
It brought my past life rushing back and gave rise to two thoughts:
The perfume Industry is rich enough to fight or delay it....
but in the end “those who know best” will prevail.
I began the 21st Century (not my personal 21st Century you will understand!) in a fight with the EU with a small, Innovative Company offering vitally needed solutions in Industry, from a Chemical background.
What we would achieve was astounding, freeing Industries like Aerospace, Manufacturing and Engineering to solve vital Issues and continue to thrive.
We spent hundreds of thousands of pounds to prove that proposed decisions were about to be made with neither research nor evidence at the heart of it, that would damage our Innovation, our Industry and peoples jobs.
The clever part was that the EU would substitute such need for proof and refer a “precautionary” approach, at that point unheard of, but now well rehearsed.  
In reality they substituted the need for proof with speculation and opinion that would keep a special group in lucrative work for decades.
These last five years has seen me as a “neutral”, but I was reminded of the farce of Committees and Politicians who have little use in the real world, having to grab our attention in case we forget them!
“Tinkering” is what they practice – but damage is what they do.
As I have experienced the corridors of these “Black Arts” that has grown up in Brussels, I know the humour, frustrations and damage to people’s lives.
I have accepted a challenge to write about it, coming to you through trade press and concerned news press, soon.
You will be amused, yet stunned at how your life is determined by unknown faces.
Be warned that it will raise anxieties about the trust we place in others in power.
What of a title?
I thought “Your life in their pockets” but it’s hard to argue with my Grandsons alternative.....”Lobby Mr Blobby”.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

“The Railway Man” – A huge lesson in overcoming Hatred

Having read of the death of Eric Lomax recently, at the age of 93, my first thought was that He had lived to a good age having lived through some difficult times.
He was a Scot who found himself in the Signals Corp in the Second World War.
He was captured by the Japanese and spent two or three years being incarcerated in the most Inhuman of circumstances.
The 1940s was a shameful time in history for the Japanese.
There is no doubting they were cruel with a “no surrender” mentality.
A far cry from the kind and thoughtful people of today.
Of course, horrors were forced on the innocent of those times when Hiroshima and Nagasaki paid a heavy price for those for whom War seems a power game.
Eric wrote a book about His experience called “The Railway Man”.
I decided to read it.
It was a terrible story with an Inspiring lesson.
It was remarkable that he survived such horrors, never mind reached such a fine age.
It is testimony to what the mind and body can cope with, but only just.
He spent 50 years of deep hatred of His Interrogator.
His second wife, Patti, then sets in motion events that hold you spell bound with emotion and testifies to all that’s possible when we look beyond our inner struggles and tendencies.
The book is an easy read that raises many emotions and reactions.
What is obvious is that Eric was a remarkable Man but likely too humble to know how remarkable.
He was much Loved and Respected and rightly so.
I recommend this lesson in goodwill.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Do you have the ability to “Yield”?

The best Communicators are those who have a reasoning manner, simply because they encourage people to listen and think.
A dogmatic person tends to close minds and therefore loses any opportunity to pursue discussion.
The Greek word for reasonable literally means “Yielding” and so for many it would be seen as weak.
The opposite would be to have a belligerent attitude.
To yield simply suggests you value someone else’s views enough to hear them which will make them more receptive.
You might disagree but being disagreeable is not the solution. You don’t need to challenge every statement as wrong but rather find the “common ground” you share and build from there.
People have the right of choice so offering a thought provoking point will leave people thinking.
It maintains some groundwork for constructive discussion on another occasion.
Having a reasoning mind means you need to need think more deeply.
Try this as a genuine example.
A colleague told me recently that they were hurt and disappointed because a Friend had said no to a kind gesture that they had offered.
How would you suggest a resolution?
Firstly, look for positive reasons, not negative ones.
Don’t think of the situation as a rejection.
It’s at least possible that the receiver did not want to be seen as a “taker”, preferring not to put on a friends good nature. Perhaps they are just being respectful.
Here was the compromise solution that worked.
Explaining that the gesture was made in all sincerity, the intent was that only one reward was hoped for.
That the receiver would make the giver very happy, adding joy to their day by accepting the offer.
So, the argument in not accepting the gesture was to sadden the giver.
The receiver therefore was not simply receiving but was in fact giving more pleasure back.
The reasoned point was convincing and both benefitted by agreement.
We seem at times to have lost our ability to find simple solutions but in truth they can be found with a little extra thinking.
There’s a true saying that says “It’s not what you know – it’s how you feel about what you know that matters”
Don’t shut your feelings off when looking for solutions because feelings make a thing more real and natural. If you are really committed to something or someone you will never let obstacles get in the way.
In life, in business, in relationships....the same principles work if they are unselfish.
A bad attitude produces bad outcomes whilst a good attitude produces long lasting benefits for everyone.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Doubt springs from poor thinking.......

There are many things we take for granted simply because they are now every day events.
An example is flying.
800 people are now able to board a plane and travel thousands of miles.
A few decades ago it would have been thought “Impossible”.
Given so many achievements it’s never easy to be sure what might be possible.
If we limit our thinking we become disabled.
Try this as an example:
If I said an Elephant can walk on water, your likely response might be to reflect on my credibility!
If I added “When it’s frozen solid”, it becomes easy to accept.
When we lack additional Information it acts to limit us.
So its intelligent gathering of facts that helps us to see what is possible.
Thinking outside the box is vital.
Those that are good at this are the ones that advance success.
So, don’t be a limited thinker.
Stretch your mind and see possibilities.
Having a “can do” mentality takes you a long way.

Monday, 9 July 2012

What Investment are you making in others?

Childhood should be a happy time of adventure, play and learning by experience on our way to adulthood.
Have you ever noticed how youngsters maintain a keen interest in what happens to people?
I came across two reports recently that reminded me how sensitive young ones can be with their concerns.
One was in Britain, the other in Germany.
2000 children in Britain aged 4 to 14, when asked what they would change in the world said their first choice was solving hunger and poverty.
500 young people in Germany, aged 14 to 18, arrived at the same concerns.
What would you have chosen in a common list?
War, Disease, Pollution, Prejudice, Crime, Injustice....
The list could be endless!
As adults in Europe we likely feel poverty and hunger are third world issues.
In fact it’s not true and all around us the Issue is growing.
What Intrigues me is why we are not as aware of it as we might be?
In the UK a new scheme called “Food Banks” is being established to respond to growing needs. It cannot cope with current needs.
The response from adults is often “Governments are responsible for sorting it all out”.
Interestingly, when Ronald Reagan became the 40th President of the United States, He said “Government is not the solution to our problem...Government is the problem”
If He was right what alternative exists?
For me, the lesson from younger ones is that they are aware and concerned.
As adults we often turn back to our comfort zone.
On the outside we can all express our concern and some do go on to make many sacrifices to add quality of life to others, whilst some don’t feel any need to be concerned at all.
Some give money, others hold tight to their money.
Some give service to their community, others are self serving.
Some rally to their family, others don’t get involved.
Some are inclusive whilst others are exclusive.
Somewhere along the way, is it possible that selfishness, greed, ambition or lack of humanity corrupted us?
It was likely the period when we moved from childhood to adulthood?
Whoever said “There are none so blind as those who won’t see” made a good observation.
Giving costs nothing.
Try a smile, a warm gesture, a kind thought, encouragement or commendation.
It’s a great Investment that multiplies the return for no cost.
Make your mark and make a difference.
The biggest gain will always be yours.

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Could this be said of YOU?

I encouraged those of you who wanted to learn how you were viewed to set the “Personal Brand” test.
The reaction was heartening and many thought this a great Idea and would "set the test"
I also promised to post an outstanding example achieved on behalf of one Manager who must have been thrilled by the outcome.
Many have asked me to post the example sooner rather than later..
Is this how we would be seen?
The truth is….you will never know until you ask and if you are not confident about the outcome you cannot claim confidence.
Everyone needs a Member of Staff and a Manager that can agree this summary.
Well done to them.


The purpose of this summary is to Identify and develop the strengths of Brand associated with (Name) – Branch Manager, referred to as “The Brand”.
It is based on thirteen years of working relationship and strengths and weaknesses observed.

My view of a Brand:

Brand is a reflection of a clear Identity, vision and consistency. It can be distinguished easily from other Brands. It is a trademark.
It separates one from another and is derived from who you are, who you want to be and who people perceive you to be?

1.     What does the Brand stand for?

Honesty, integrity, consistency, reliability and stability.
A strong Brand cannot be created overnight and its value is demonstrated in difficult times and over time. This Brand has established itself as effective, resilient and produces high levels of loyalty.

2.     How is the Brand different?

It remains highly visible and leads where others follow. It produces added value and appeals to those who seek quality and best practice.
It remains fresh and up to date and delivers what it promises.
It engages and welcomes the views of others and in this way remains “inclusive” and productive.
It strives to be the best by using a balanced approach.
The Brand is a good Ambassador and uses good listening skills.
Using assessment skills it reduces risk and builds assurance.

3.     Selling points of the Brand and benefits of working closely with it?

There is a professional image and approach that thinks short, medium and long term to reinforce the future.
An approach of considering new ideas ensures constant progress.
It is proactive and co-operative in style and endeavours to act as a key influence for progress.
It simplifies tasks to produce effective outcomes.
It takes a specialist approach.
Being closely associated with the Brand leads to benefits of strong personal development, vital direction, strong support, opportunity and job satisfaction.

4.     How does the Brand add value?

Constant Investment in the needs of others results in benefits for everyone.
It shares its own experience with others.
It remains positive and motivational.
It looks to build a strong foundation for the future.
It improves people’s lives.

5.     Why buy this Brand?

When it makes a promise – It keeps a promise.
It has verifiable credentials, is transparent and accessible.
It comes with a guarantee of commitment and is known and trusted.

6.     Why be loyal to this Brand?

It’s approachable, even handed, firm but fair and is respected for maintaining a “hands on” approach, which is unselfish, dependable and realistic.

7.     What “strap line” reflects this Brand?

Recognising that the Brand is forward thinking, aware of the need for continuous improvement and responsive in support of the needs of others an appropriate “Strap Line” is: Trust you can build on

8.     What Brand has been created and how is it perceived?

A trusted Brand already exists. In order to maintain its existing high reputation it needs to maintain focus on primary and specific areas of Brand strengths whilst ensuring areas of available Improvement are fully engaged. Strong presentation of the Brand should continue and Input from others should remain an Influence of Brand development.
Whilst perception is Instinctive the Brand needs to continue to be seen as “real”.
Effective communication will be needed to enhance and protect the true value of the Brand.

Summary Conclusion:

The Brand has matured and remained firmly fixed on good principle. Its philosophy is founded on developed formulas that are proven to work best. It has established itself as a leader and recognises no room for complacency.
Other Brands may be available but by comparison will prove to be “imitations” without equal substance.
Whilst Branding reveals true value, only when its value is true can it be said to have achieved a true standing.
I feel privileged to be associated with this Brand on the basis that it welcomes and values an honest opinion when it is persuasive, sincere and constructive.
In part I feel the Brands success has been developed by constantly reassessing these questions:

         Where are we now?
         Where do we want to get to?
         How are we going to get there?
         Who is going to do what and when?
         How can we control, measure and develop the process?

Produced by:
June 2012

Monday, 18 June 2012

What kind of “Brand” are you seen as?

Ever thought of yourself or a colleague as a Brand?
I was privileged to be engaged in an Interesting exercise recently.
As part of a Corporate review, Managers were asked to nominate a number of Staff who worked with them to write them up as a “Brand”.
They were to be given a fixed set of questions to be answered about the Manager that would reflect their value (or otherwise).
On the surface it sounds easy but most struggled with developing the concept.
The outcome of one was intriguing, outstanding, reassuring and heartening.
Quality of people can often be forgotten. You can also wrongly assume your real reputation.
I will post one outstanding outcome in due course, recognising that the person it was based on is clearly the kind of Manager every Company needs and wants. (And will not get to know who they are to poach them!)
In the meantime try it yourself if you are brave enough.
If you feel are not confident of your value.
The positive learning will not be wasted.
You get a head start by choosing who you want to do it.
Here are the questions but remember, they are describing you:

1.    What does the Brand stand for?
2.    How is the Brand different?
3.    Selling points of the Brand and benefits of working closely with it?
4.    How does the Brand add value?
5.    Why buy this Brand?
6.    Why be loyal to this Brand?
7.    What “strap line” reflects this Brand?
8.    What Brand has been created and how is it perceived?

The exercise will stretch your Staff and you will likely be amused but more aware through the outcome.

Monday, 11 June 2012

Avoid risks of “Titanic” proportions!

I am sure you have noticed that some Films are as good the tenth time you see them, as the first.
In recent times “Titanic” has entered that category for many.
It certainly does it for me and before anyone reminds me, yes I am a lover of Celine Dion music!
The layers to the story are many and varied.
They show human failure and tragedy.
Everyone talks about the flawed design that led to the perception that she was unsinkable.
In fact, when she was found at the bottom of the sea, it was deemed she already suffered from metal embrittlement as a flaw. On any moving vehicle this is, in itself, a recipe for tragedy.
Aerospace are particularly aware of the need to check this danger.
If the owners of “Titanic” had said sinking was improbable rather than impossible, we might now see a reason for such belief.
Whatever many lessons can be drawn, one above all reminds me of the fine line that determines outcomes.
Everyone talks about the limited number of lifeboats that made it impossible to protect everyone equally. New laws of regulation rightly resulted later.
In the crisis that ensued though, the great loss of life resulted because no other vessel was close enough to change the outcome.
A set of events transpired to come together that made survival impossible for many. The risk factor increased a hundredfold the moment it was known that a plan B was not available.
Everyone makes mistakes but they should never be terminal, either to us or others.
It’s a lesson that, accept it or not, we are reliant on others.
None of us can exist in isolation.
Our relationships, Family and Business, should be strong commitments.
If and when crisis arrives, the greater number can make the difference to avoid outcomes or disasters of “Titanic” proportions.
Who would let their child travel the world for many months without a backup plan that could respond to emergency?
It’s the same in business. It sounds grim but you need a disaster plan.
If you manufacture products and your storage burns down, where will stock come from to cover the period you can be up and running again?
If all your Corporate data is lost at the same time, where have you stored it externally to be able to retrieve it?
It sounds like an exercise of negative thinking but risk awareness provides risk avoidance.
It’s best not to say it’s impossible.(song by Nat King Cole) Titanic proved that!

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Wanderers are a coming.....

It was hardly the best of news to see Bolton Wanderers relegated to the Championship.
The optimist looks for a Silver lining though.
For me it is that Bolton will be wandering to Barnsley, Leeds, Sheffield and Huddersfield next season.
They will find it a tough league and Yorkshire grit will be a big test for them.
The games will be evenly balanced and teams visiting the Reebok will find it daunting too.
As I am no better at forecasting than the weather man, I will simply predict some clouds with spells of sunshine.
If they beat all Yorkshire teams we can always stop buying Warburton’s Bread.
In truth, if they are to get back to the Premiership, they will certainly have to spend some dough!
Heres hoping they don’t suffer from nosebleeds as they come up the hill they call the Pennines!
If not, Leeds are bound to oblige!
Barnsley and Huddersfield are more sedate and Owls are not likely to cause much harm.
It will liven the league up though and I will be shouting come on Barnsley Wanderers at Oakwell.
Maybe Liverpool will join us next time round.
They always bring humour at least and we like a laugh in Yorkshire.

Out of the mouths of young ones.....

I have never made any secret of the fact that I am blessed with three lovely Grandchildren. Two boys and a girl, so you will know who is in charge!
They like to find and send me amusing or sweet sayings.
You can always tell whether the boys sent it or whether it came from Emma.
Guess which one was the boys!
This will not be the hardest task you face today but it proves the sentiment of Men and Women are irretrievably different!
If nothing else they made me smile and reminded me that childhood is brief. 

The price of Love?

To prove his love:
He climbed the highest mountain for her.....
Swam the deepest sea.....
Crossed the widest desert.....
She left him because he was never at home!

Time is.....
Too slow for those who wait.....
Too swift for those who fear.....
Too long for those who grieve.....
Too short for those who rejoice, but
For those who Love...Time is eternal.

If a kiss was a raindrop, I would send you a shower.....
If a hug was a second I would send you an hour.....
If smiles were water I would send you the sea.....
If friendship was a person I would send you me.

If I had to choose whether to breathe or to Love you – I
would use my last breath to tell you I Love you.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

What kind of realist are you?

Try to think of someone who describes themselves as “a realist”.
A dictionary definition of a realist is “Someone who sees things as they really are”.
As a realist you get to offer opinions widely because you have the gift of seeing the future or likely outcomes of things.
You get to couch your opinion in serious, caring, concerned and measured tones.
There’s not much Immediate risk because a realist knows the evidence of being right or wrong is not yet in.
Is there a danger though that with growing confidence a realist starts to become self righteous and less consoling or proactive?
You may be dealing with a problem that needs your undivided attention today and a realist takes you two months forward to all the possible snags the problem may bring.
Actually, the reality is that if you don’t deal with the problem today, those outcomes two months from now are, on this occasion, a pointless consideration!
A realist can, at times, add anxieties where they do not exist.
Some can even take on the role of a Prophet of Doom.
A realist can, too often, know the problem but never see the solution.
Often, their best guide is to accept disappointment, loss or defeat.
A true realist accepts there is a challenge but finds options to mediate best outcomes.
They may not be ideal outcomes but in the circumstances they are reasonable expectations.
A true realist deals with possibilities and a false realist expects things to get worse.
Even worse, a false realist sits back and watches them getting worse!
We all need a realist in our lives but choosing the wrong kind can be fatal.
Optimism achieves things in spite of the challenge – Fatalism acts as a victim before any conclusions are known.
Trust me – I’m a realist!

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

An Interesting Observation......

A Message by George Carlin: Comedian from the 1970s and 1980s

The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider motorways,
but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness.

We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.

We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.

We have learned how to make a living, but not a life. We have added years to life not life to years. We have been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbour. We conquered outer space but not inner space. We have done larger things, but not better things.

We have cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We have conquered the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish less. We have learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less.

These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small character, steep profits and shallow relationships. These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable nappies, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share to reflect, or to just hit delete...

Remember; spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever.

Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side.

Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn’t cost a penny.

Remember to say, ' I love you ' to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you.

Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person may not be there.

Give time to love, give time to speak! And give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.


Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

Monday, 14 May 2012

Should kindness be set to Music?

Have you ever noticed that people who say little about themselves, often turn out to be the most Interesting people?
When you get to know more about their lives it can reveal special events and qualities not readily seen.
Such people are secure, unobtrusive, with more depths than they seek to reveal.
There are talkers and doers.
The doers seek no fuss and are motivated by the positive desire to make a difference.
Others want us to know how great they are and so advertise it to everyone.
One makes a kindness and you never get to know - the other blows a trumpet when they appear to do a kindness, just in case we never noticed!
The have Plauqes to their deeds placed everywhere in a desire to feel Immortal and Important.
Perhaps its true that one will be remembered longer - but is there any doubting which has the best approach?
More Importantly - Which are we?

Friday, 4 May 2012

Only one way to measure Customer Satisfaction - Ask!

I used to think I was in a minority when declaring no Interest in Politics but recent evidence suggests a shift towards me!
When I relate that less than 30% of people seem yet to hold some Interest, I wonder how a Business would view a 30% Customer Satisfaction rating!
A few years ago my company saw its satisfaction rating falling from 93% to 91% and the effort to understand and address it was Immediate. It may sound humorous but the real lesson was that customer satisfaction as a yardstick is the only "real" way to know how you are viewed.
Another lesson I see from Politics is that too often it is led by apparent personality rather than qualities in people.
A Business relies on qualities and development of people for long term continuity. Being able to add personality to qualities then produces a good outcome for everyone.
A promise made should always be kept.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Finding Madeline will be an uplifting event...

Have you ever been asked who you would enjoy having Dinner with?
Often the answer is an historic figure, a sports person or celebrity.
For me it would be Kate and Gerry McCann.
I have never met them but feel they are like a best friend who has experienced the worst of life.
For five years i have hoped to hear their daughter Madeline has been found safe and well.
I think they are remarkable people with special qualities that can teach all of us many things.
Their dignity, humility and resilience stand out but their Love of each other and their children has been their greatest strength.
They have been treated with Love and Contempt in equal measure by fellow humans and their wisdom will have been increased through lifes experience.
They are decent, caring and fair minded, living for one thing...the return of Maddy.
The toll on them has been overwhelming but their belief and endurance must surely be rewarded one day.
My admiration is great and my wishes for them are the very best.
If i might wish for one happier ending it would be to see the reunion of this lovely family.
Each day brings renewed possibilities.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Is our Yardstick as good as we think?

Standards in business are a good guide to what success might be achieved.
I met a Company recently who were pleased that they felt they achieved better standards than their competition.
What Interested me was that standards were measured against others.
Its fine if todays standards are as high as twenty years ago.....but suppose the standards today have dropped considerably.
It means we are measuring from a lower standard than previously.
Its better to set our own standards high and measure by this or we might measure by a low common denominator!
Our aim is not to be average but rather, way above average.
Make sure a reliable Yardstick is in place to avoid false measurements.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Which Mould are we formed from?

I never like to put people into categories but at times its hard to Ignore clear evidence.
Test it for yourself as you measure peoples approach to life.
Are they Inclined to match one of these groups clearly?
  • Some wait for things to happen
  • Some watch what happens
  • Some make things happen
Its uncanny how easy it is to spot each one.
The real question now is where do people think we fit?

Saturday, 18 February 2012

My favourite kind of Managing Director....

Every so often I bump into someone by chance who makes an Immediate Impression on Me.
It happened this week and it came via Twitter and Linkedin.
Chris Barrow is Managing Director of a highly successful Construction Company in Barnsley with a good history.
Its self evident from His Profile that He has given good service to His Company, learning all the aspects of the Business before becoming the "Man in the Hot Seat".
Its no secret that I like people with a positive approach, not just to Business but also to people and life.
Accomplished people are often serious in their work but good humoured in their approach.
Chris is clearly both and destined to add to His acievements.
Being in the same Town and fully Involved in all aspects "Barnsley", I have no Idea why it took this long to connect!
Chris Has my respect and good wishes for continued success, which He shares with others.
A good Managing Director is not frightened of making key decisions but has a collaborative approach.
Business is not a Democracy but good people "Listen" and then accept personal responsibility to act.
It has been suggested that what I like about Chris is that He seems a mirrored reflection of myself.
If there is any truth in it - I will take it as a compliment.