Monday, 18 June 2012

What kind of “Brand” are you seen as?

Ever thought of yourself or a colleague as a Brand?
I was privileged to be engaged in an Interesting exercise recently.
As part of a Corporate review, Managers were asked to nominate a number of Staff who worked with them to write them up as a “Brand”.
They were to be given a fixed set of questions to be answered about the Manager that would reflect their value (or otherwise).
On the surface it sounds easy but most struggled with developing the concept.
The outcome of one was intriguing, outstanding, reassuring and heartening.
Quality of people can often be forgotten. You can also wrongly assume your real reputation.
I will post one outstanding outcome in due course, recognising that the person it was based on is clearly the kind of Manager every Company needs and wants. (And will not get to know who they are to poach them!)
In the meantime try it yourself if you are brave enough.
If you feel are not confident of your value.
The positive learning will not be wasted.
You get a head start by choosing who you want to do it.
Here are the questions but remember, they are describing you:

1.    What does the Brand stand for?
2.    How is the Brand different?
3.    Selling points of the Brand and benefits of working closely with it?
4.    How does the Brand add value?
5.    Why buy this Brand?
6.    Why be loyal to this Brand?
7.    What “strap line” reflects this Brand?
8.    What Brand has been created and how is it perceived?

The exercise will stretch your Staff and you will likely be amused but more aware through the outcome.

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