Monday, 28 February 2011

Thought for the Day.......

They dont care how much you know.........
Until they know how much you care.

Nothing happens without Trust.

Child Poverty continues to challenge Society

Save the Children have reported that 15 per cent of Children in Barnsley are suffering severe poverty.
This is heart breaking and in a time of Economic challences is likely to Increase.
The growing level of Social and Economic Issues for the future will place many demands on the Services trying to cope with peoples needs.
Often the feeling is like standing in glue when people work hard to search for relief.
Its a Human crisis all over the World.
Barnsley Development Agency Limited are working hard to provide a response.
Of course Money is a cushion but will not in Itself root out the causes overnight.
Society cannot turn a blind eye to such deprivation and it takes us all to be aware and care.

Will you Lead....or Follow?

I am a great believer in developing the "Individual".
To do this means knowing a persons strengths and weaknesses.
Get it wrong and you create a mis-match that others pay for.
I have met many Supervisors, Managers and Directors who lack Leadership.
In good times they get by but in challenging times they become "Exposed"
If someone is to lead others they will need good qualities of Leadership.
A follower never makes a Leader.
Make sure you measure the "Need" before making the appointment!

Sunday, 27 February 2011

Thought for the Week....

"Real leaders are ordinary people with extraordinary determination".

Friday, 25 February 2011

To be LinkedIn or not?

If you ever wanted an opinion on LinkedIn for Business Networking, I can tell you from personal experience it is essential.
I had to be dragged to it but it has been the best tool possible when I look at the numerous benefits.
Do it now:

Where is "Home" for you?

I have been asked a lot lately about my Mobile Phone ringtone.
It makes me smile.
It brings back to my mind the question we are often asked as part of a persons Introduction - "Where is Home?".
The obvious answer for many is wherever they grew up.
For others its where they feel they put down roots or feel most comfortable with.
My ringtone dates back to the time I spent a lot of time on Planes, Trains and in the Car travelling to a destination.
The further away I got the more I thought of "Home".
Its often said that "Home is where the Heart is" so Home has the ability to change.
It will always be the place you go back to where you will find the most Important people in your life.
As you listen to the basis of my out where "Home" is for you and be grateful that its a special place full of special people.

A week end and week to look forward to.

The week ahead has the potential to be very productive.
In between is the week end where I spend my time with special Friends.
I will use it to refresh, ready to give my best with Colleagues next week.
Board Meetings with Chamber of Commerce and Barnsley Development Agency Limited and a meeting with Representative Councillors of Chamber of Commerce all bring me Into contact with accomplished people offering positive Ideas and action.
All In all I think its fair to say that people make all the difference to our lives.
The trick is to make sure they are positive people with similar goals.

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Nick Clegg showed qualities I respect

As someone who is completely non political I was still pleased and surprised to receive a note from Nick Clegg today.
He was asking about how business in Barnsley and Rotherham was doing and asked for updates from time to time.
He seems a genuine Man and certainly well mannered.
I do not envy his job, particularly in such critical times, since it seems to me he can neither solve vital Issues or please anyone!
There is no doubting his conviction and he appears to be patient when he deals with people.
If he was my neighbour I reckon we would get on well and each would respect the differences of the other.
On a human level I feel he would make a good Friend.
I respect his care of his Family and the time he takes,when possible, to keep in touch with the real World.
I wish him well,though I know he can only achieve so much.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Use "Effective" conclusions

Whenever we Interact with people the one concern we all have Is whether our audience is taking in what we say.
We likely use key questions to test responses along the way.
What is often forgotten is the power of an "Effective" conclusion.
What is it to you?
For me its the concluding sentences where I say something that will move my listener to take action on what they have heard me say.
What is said last is often remembered longest so it Influences the entire discussion.
Here are some vital keys:
Be sure your conclusion is directly related to the thoughts you have presented.
Show your listener what to do about what they have heard.
Motivate your hearer not just by what you say - but also how you say it.
If you are to meet or speak again give the person a reason to look forward to it.
Give a good conclusion and you create a reason to follow your thoughts to an outcome.

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Remembering Clive Gott

It was with great sadness that I received the news today of Clive Gotts premature death from heart attack last night.
He was a big man in size and character.
He will be remembered and missed by many.
He spoke at my Companies Corporate Conference in Portugal and has been spoken of with affection since.
His kindness extended to him Inviting myself and my Grandson Tom to a Dinner at Leeds Rhinos.
We have a photograph of Tom in his Rhino Shirt with Clive who towered over him. It was Toms first visit to Rhinos.Tom loved it and it will be a lasting memory.
On such occasions I am reminded of the challenge of "unforseen circumstance" that can befall us all.
Reason enough, If we needed one, to hold dear those close to us.

What is a Salesmans greatest fear?

It may seem hard to fathom but the average salesman fears "price" the most!
I guess the key word is "Average"
Over the last ten years of training sales teams whilst at the same time collecting data from the decision makers who authorise the order,there is a huge gap in thinking.
Sales people say price is a top five priority of a buyer whilst buyers seldom list it in their own top five.
Whats the lesson then?
70% of buyers say that if there are proven benefits and value they will buy at a higher price.
30% see their job as only Improving on the price they pay.It justifies their existence!
First judgement then....let your competition have this 30% since it will not be too long before there is no profit to be had.A customer fixated on price alone has no loyalty or appreciation of the role of his supplier or his own Companies long term needs.
Think more on price being the Investment with the benefits being the return on Investment. Show a return and risk evaporates.
Think about human nature.
Imagine you are looking at three washing machines.
Prices are £250,£300 and £399.
I suggest you will discount the low price relatively Immediately and then measure the two left to decide if the higher price justifies any clear advantage.
The Sales person who thinks £250 will always win will never specialise in sales, simply because they will never know enough about their product or service to justify it to others.
If a Sales person sells on price alone he has little value to anyone and will find their career a short one!

What kind of Manager are you?

In a recent talk to a business audience I asked the question "Put your hand up if you are competetive in nature".
How many people do you think did not put their hand up?
What would you have done?
The truth is we react to what Image others expect of us.
Not to seem competetive seems to many to be a sign of weakness.
A better question might have been "Who do you compete with?"
Compete with others and there will be times when you lose. Its Inevitable. No-one wins all the time and occasional failure is good for learning anyway.
Compete with yourself though and you win every time and you strengthen your personal character as a direct result.
We all have room to Improve and people are different.
Managers often set team mates against each other expecting this to draw out the best from everyone.
In truth the best Managers work with the Individual to get the best out of them personally.They then develop the best team players.
It creates 100% progress for all rather than satisfying the ego of the few.
Aim for a productive team...not a destructive one!

Thought for the Week...

Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, "What's in it for me?" Brian Tracy

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Thank you to BDA Limited

I met for the first time today with my Board Director colleagues of Barnsley Development Agency Limited.
Any Board of Directors is prone to have a variety of personalities and In my opinion it is necessary to be a critical Friend.
If a group of Board Directors always agreed, by definition they would no longer be needed!
What I appreciated today was how agreeable the courtesy and welcome extended to me were.
I give sincere thanks to Carol Cooper-Smith and Ian Hately.
These are people dedicated to the Interests of Barnsley.
Their obvious talents and dedication provide huge energy.
It will be a privilege to work with them in the future.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Avoid being a busy fool....

More and more as I meet people I am finding one comment growing.
"I have never worked so hard"
There are two reasons that are likely for this.
Firstly, Its true that less are having to do more in difficult times.
The alternative reason is that by telling everyone, some feel protected from the anxiety of losing their job.
For some, having to account more for what they are doing has been a wake up call.
Where in the past, in better times no-one looked too closely the spotlight now is on everyone.
Heres the problem though.
Too many people are placing emphasis on output and not outcomes.
The only real way to protect a job is to argue we are cost effective.
That means you need to have real proof.
Lots of output with no outcome is frustrating and tiring.
Its better to measure what is the likely outcome before engaging any time.
Quality of work is good but see something for your endeavours.
If you cannot prove your worth to yourself others will struggle too, but it takes honesty.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Thought for the Week.....

The triumph cannot be had - without the struggle. Wilma Rudolph

Thought for the Day....

The optimist sees opportunity in every danger; the pessimist sees danger in every opportunity. Winston Churchill

How very dare they.....

Life has been very hectic lately but Spring is on the way and long light days add to the feeling of more time to do jobs and get to see Friends.
Of late, and of surprise to me, I have had the pleasure of being asked to speak to Business Groups on the challenges everyone faces...but perhaps do not face up to.
Its striking how audiences react.
Men shake your hand one to one and say that was "Interesting" Derek.
Woman say "You have a clever cheek about you" and laugh!
Me Cheeky! Actually, it must have some truth because its said too often not to be true.
But never by a Man.
What does that reveal?
Men like facts, figures and a Corporate feel.
Women like the same thing but they respond better to humour, particularly if you get them to laugh with you, about you.
More and more we are seeing Women in the top jobs and far too often Men seem to resist or resent it.
In truth I have never met a successful Woman who led you to doubt their professionalism.
They are good leaders and get people to work well together.
These are changing times and it seems that in testing times Women are showing their strengths.
Barnsley and Rotherham Chamber Women in Business can be found on LinkedIn.
If you ever wanted proof of the talent of Women in Business this Group provides the evidence.
They at least would never call me cheeky...would they!

Friday, 11 February 2011

Ever wondered.....

Why 'abbreviated' is such a long word?

Why Doctors call what
they do 'practice'?

Why the time of day with the
slowest traffic is called rush hour?

Why when being punctual nobody's there to appreciate it?

If flying is so safe, why do they call
the airport a terminal?

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Thought for the Week

Decision is the spark that ignites Action....
Until a decision is made - nothing happens.
Wilfred.A. Peterson

Its not where you start...Its where you finish that counts.
Zig Ziglar

Monday, 7 February 2011

Thought for the Day

There is little difference in people......
but that little difference makes a BIG difference.

The little difference is ATTITUDE and....
the BIG difference is whether its Positive or Negative.
W.Clement Stone

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Your approach to life determines your success

We are in a new year, a new month and a new week.
Ever wondered why some people succeed and others fail?
You may find yourself saying "no matter how hard I work i dont seem to see any fruits of my labour".
You may feel you are not appreciated or valued.
You may have a sense that your opportunities may already have passed by.
If so, you are already beginning to explain why you may not yet have found personal success.
Success needs dedication in any profession but you can be on the brink of it and fail.
This is frustrating.
The key that leads to success can be summed up in one word....ATTITUDE.
See for yourself at:

Friday, 4 February 2011

An opportunity to work around uniquely talented people dawns

It would never be of any surprise to anyone who knows me that I have always admired the talents of very special people in Barnsley who work so dilligently on behalf of local people and business.
The economy of the Town is vital but there is enormous amounts of unseen hard work being made in the background from dedicated servants who feel privileged to work on behalf of us all.
Councillor Steve Houghton must be unique in these times as a great Ambassador for the Towns Interests and undoubtedly one of the best Council Leaders in the UK.
Carol Cooper-Smith and her team at Barnsley Development Agency work tirelessly for the Town.
How privileged I felt then, when asked to join the Board of Directors of Barnsley Development Agency Limited to be able to work with such talented and gifted people.
What a note to end a productive week on.
I look forward to adding my small weight to support these exceptional people on behalf of the Town we Love.

Encouraging start with Chamber of Commerce

I attended my first Board meeting with Chamber of Commerce today at Garnett Dickinson based in Manvers. What a fine Company and set up.
If you need printing and design look them up.
I would describe the meeting as open and frank and I was Impressed by a determination to be highly pro-active in ensuring member satisfaction and having a strong voice for local business.
The range of personalities on the Board is broad and ensures all points of view can be captured to arrive at good decision making.The Chair was well organised and the right of comment was respected with moments of good humour.
A number of positive priorities were set that will place Barnsley and Rotherham at the centre of local business and I was grateful for a warm welcome.
If you are a Company in Barnsley or Rotherham but not yet a Member, think about it as it will meet many of your needs in 2011 to help you.
Given an early start the Bacon Sandwich was most welcome!
Thanks to Nick Alexander and his staff for their hospitality and care.

Chamber of Commerce - Barnsley & Rotherham

Thursday, 3 February 2011

What others see can help us - If we let it

Having someone around who you can rely on to give you an honest opinion with good Intentions can be very helpful.
They are balanced in their praise and fair in their criticisms.
The challenge of being an "all round" person means we need to know the characteristics we exhibit.
Two comments about myself got me thinking recently.
Apparently I am told, "givers are poor takers" and where someone is trying to be serious about how I might be facing challenges (because they care) I use humour to distract them as If to say "Oh, dont be worrying about me".
Ouch! Well I did ask!
Heres an admission....they are both right.
I am much happier helping others than seeking help and yes its true, I try to make people laugh to distract them from knowing my Innermost concerns in life.
On the surface I thought this was a reasonable and commendable approach.
Heres the problem - put to me to rethink it.
It frustrates peoples ability to show their genuine care and has the ability to offend them, since I am creating an unwitting form of rejection.
Pride is good but I needed to be sure It was not a form of lacking modesty.
Thankfully I was reassured that this could never be laid as a charge at me! Phew, thank goodness for that.
Now I know I intend to see this from the other persons point of view.
I can still keep giving but having the good grace to allow people to express some appreciation without feeling embarrased or uncomfortable is something i must work on.
All praise on a Postcard please to...............
Lets see how I get on.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Take time to count your blessings

Whenever we think of our lives its likely we can pick out some very special people that have enriched us.
It may be a close relative, a teacher, a boss, a colleague, a neighbour or a friend that believed in us or were never far away when we needed them most.
To get unconditional Love is uplifting and sustaining.
I started with a list of those around me at this time in my life and was overwhelmed by the measure of love,respect and care I receive from others.
It adds to my confidence,dignity and provides reassurance in moments of doubt.
I believe that to have great friends you first need to be one.
I hope that reaffirms i have achieved this because I certainly am not lacking in special people in my life.
Do I tell them enough how much I value them?
Given the value I genuinely place on them I would need to tell them every I must admit to failure.
I will try to do better though.
I believe to a large extent that this type of appreciation should never be left unsaid for fear that I might suddenly be robbed of the chance to say it.
These are not just sentimental notions. They are real value for real people.
You have them too.
Lets agree wherever possible we will tell them.
We can start right what are we waiting for!
Let me know how you get on.