Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Recognise a Mistake

Mistakes, I’ve made a few, too many to list.

Popular culture says that if you learned from a mistake it’s never a failure.

If it’s true I am encouraged because I have certainly been trained by mistakes.

Taking a moment to consider why mistakes arise, it seems that bad judgement, distractions or lack of thought will play a part in tripping us up.

For some it may be because of a period of Illness, depression and lack of self worth.

The simple truth is that we will all make mistakes.

I have found I am resilient and mentally strong when facing the need to make corrections in my life.

The tragedy of mistakes is that, depending on their seriousness, they can have a disappointing downside which makes them hard to forget.

They affect the lives of others and Impact on relationships.

One lesson that is often challenging is the reaction of others.

Loyal ones rally, hesitant ones stand still and those who rush to judgement become unavailable.

Some relevant lessons are these;

·        Discourage anyone from putting you on a Pedestal as they will surely end up disappointed.

·        Don’t delay in recognising a mistake and look to correct it early.

·        Consider the Impact on others and offer them reassurances.

·        Show your appreciation for those who support you.

·        Say Sorry to those affected most.

·        Never expect Perfection in all you do. It does not exist.

·        Be Humble in accepting your Error.

·        Look forwards – Not Backwards when you have done all you can to limit the Impact.

·        Don’t be surprised by those who turn out to be Judgemental. Use the time spent on them with those who are more Impartial and Sincere.

All any of us can do is look to Improve Every Day