There is no doubt in my mind about how
important the years of mandatory Education are but it’s often true that when we
are young we are not likely to recognise the value.
Apart from the occasional teacher I can’t
remember anyone taking an interest in the kids in my school.I was more fortunate. I was mad on football and reasonable enough to be occupied with it in both school and personal time.
Club Scouts visiting my Dad fascinated me.
What I recall most though was how i felt when “grown ups” took an interest in me.
Someone who encourages you to develop your talent is very uplifting.
So for me it was a no brainer to accept an invitation to do a Business Workshop Presentation to Students at a local College who are looking to become Entrepreneurs.
It’s a brand new building with great facilities and committed staff.
I feel more people in Business should give their time to these ventures.
It’s a privilege and if just one person benefits, hugely satisfying.
Of course, I will be on my best behaviour.
It’s a long time since I have been in a school classroom and there’s less risk of getting detention!
Let’s take an Interest in young people and give something back.